Yes thank you. I need an English-speaking audience in order to convey and communicate what is happening in the radio.
In historical content, I will tell you how it all turned out. Being a radio operator at the front, I was engaged in counter reconnaissance. Many radio lovers from the occupied territories were engaged in transmitting data about our troops and their positions by means of radio. Our wars were killed that protect our country and people from aggression. We fought with these grief radio amateurs. Even when I served, I listened and opposed propaganda at 7.055 - 7.050. As I mobilized from the Army, I decided to go the legal way. I applied to all instances and organizations for help in solving this problem. 24-hour propaganda against Ukraine. But they either didn’t answer me at all, or just unsubscribed. The World Federation of Radio Amateurs generally takes into account the lies of Russia for the reality in this matter.
Here's what they write link It turns out that all this is done by the Ukrainians. But in reality there are no stations from the temporarily occupied territories. We solved the issue with them. They go for a pension to Ukraine with each of them had a separate conversation or criminal investigation. They no longer broadcast on the radio. Only stations from Russia are working against Ukraine.
Having understood the tragedy of this situation, I came to the conclusion that it was necessary either to jam all this Nazi swamp, or to lead my anti-propaganda from Ukraine.
And I want to emphasize that the Federation of Russian Radio Sport itself is engaged in this and supports. In my list of propagandists, there are people who work in the frequency of supervision of the Russian Federation.
Therefore, the more people learn the truth about what is happening in the radio between Russia and Ukraine, organizations, federations, governments will have to solve this issue. My goal is to silence this Nazi propaganda against my people.