Thanks for these posts - I believe I have received this CW when monitoring the Windy beacon on 4102.8 kHz. In fact I heard some just now (1120z). Also some weak voice noted on 4100 USB.
You are doing extremely well to receive these ships in mid-Pacific and western-Pacific from your location. At other time slots, the "Sajo Oryong" Sajo Industries fishing fleet has also been logged on:
4111 kHz USB voice / 4112.3 kHz CW,
4189.kHz CW
6868 kHz USB voice
S. Kor ea seems to be one of the few nations with a fully functional and active commercial marine HF CW enterprise.
It seems that we've just scratched the surface on logging the Sajo Oryong huge fleet HF operation.
Perhaps they have been somewhat overlooked up until now, possibly because of the few western ops who understand their language, and even fewer who can copy their CW code.
An educated guess is that their CW code is a specific S. Kor ean language code that is utilized for direct writing of Kor ean characters.
It seems somehow different from SKATS code, which is a standard way to send Kor ean Han gul (characters) writing.
Perhaps the mystery CW characters are run-together CW jamo SKATS Han gul characters.
SKATS = Standard Kore an Alphabet Transliteration System, which is an adaptation of English Morse characters for sending/receiving Hang ul.
Consonants Vowels
Han gul SKATS Han gul SKATS
ㄱ L ㅏ E
ㄴ F ㅑ I
ㄷ B ㅓ T
ㄹ V ㅕ S
ㅁ M ㅗ A
ㅂ W ㅛ N
ㅅ G ㅜ H
ㅇ K ㅠ R
ㅈ P ㅡ D
ㅊ C ㅣ U
ㅋ X ㅔ TU
ㅌ Z ㅐ EU
ㅍ O ㅖ SU
ㅎ J ㅒ IU
SKATS Hang ul dash-dot Table
SKATS Han gul to English Letters Table
Mystery S. Kore an CW characters
Some of the mystery CW characters may be in this chart below:
A comparison of kore an transliteration systems