I try to be as accurate and as helpfull as possible. When I get a chance, I will go through this with a fine tooth comb. It was a long evening, hours of Morse Code and ...ocho cinco dos dos catorce... I use a $ 69.00 15 year old Radio Shack DX-396 Receiver... thats it.
Last Sunday evening, I just happened to stumble upon the transmission on 5115 kHz; most likely, a repeat transmission... good exercise for someone to find the first transmission. If you are equiped with Waterfall display, you should not have any problem finding this. Also Frequencies, schedules etc. are available in Enigma Newsletter and google search. These Folks have far more expertise and are better equiped than I am. In addition, I believe there are several Designations and subtle differences in the Cuban Voice Transmissions, I need to get up to speed on this. Voice transmission on 5900 kHz 08:00 - 08:41 UTC was the most Solid...able to listen to the complete format. This is the most activity, I have ever monitored in one evening, and I'm sure I missed quite a bit. Someone with a Crystal Radio would not have had a problem stumbling upon this. Allthough, it has been stated that much of this is "Dummy" (I spent quite a bit of time copying "DUMMY")...some of this had the air of authenticity; at least that was my subjective impression. I am presently a tad under the weather and have limited computer access, I would appreciate your patience. String out some wire, fire it up, and search out those open carriers. It is my impression that these people (last estimate I have seen, states about 250 of them) seem to coordinate frequencies: tune in one direction, run into barrier i.e. Broadcast Band or wideband interference, try tuning in the opposite direction. TNX.