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Author Topic: Liquid Radio 6925 AM  (Read 1088 times)

Offline textim

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Liquid Radio 6925 AM
« on: June 12, 2011, 0416 UTC »
On at 0345z with techno/dance music.  Decent signal with good audio but static crashes are making for tough copy.  Sounded like an ID at 0409 but I couldn't catch it through the noise.  "Army of Me" by Bjork at 0418.  Liquid Radio ID at 0420, peaking to S9+10 at times.  "American Boy" at 0421.

Still audible at 0529z but beginning to fade.  About S7 through heavy static crashes.  ID at 0546 with mention of website liquidradioonline.com.

Thanks Liquid!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 0548 UTC by textim »
Raleigh, NC


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