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Author Topic: 10m SSB activity  (Read 1270 times)


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10m SSB activity
« on: January 24, 2019, 1547 UTC »
I was scanning the bands last night around 8:00 pm and decided to check 10m for nets. Came across 2 qso's going on. One on 28.383 and another on 28.410. Stations working between Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi. Also a station near me from central Florida working a station in Texas. Most indicating they were using Triband Yagi's and running 100 watts. I long for the days of good propagation. I worked so many countries on 10m mobile back in the late 90's.

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Re: 10m SSB activity
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2019, 2305 UTC »
If you've a beam for 10m you might try some backscatter dx. Everyone aims their beam at the same reradiating spot, wherever it may be in the idunnosphere, and chats away. This is kinda sorta similar to doing meteor scatter on v/uhf, aim "at the meteors" and everyone hears everyone else as long as there's a ion trail.
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