Chris: Yes, I picked up on some other pages relating to this topic, would be nice to have a stand alone where everyone can sing from the same hymn page. Also I came across two beacons last week transmitting continuous also, maybe they are in "homing programme" so the mother ship can obtain a continual signal fix for tracking purposes?
Noted your logging of JC3 on 2.075MHz and IC1 on 2.115 around the 1000z mark, will see if I can log them here, be interesting to see if they can be heard on both sides of the Pacific.
These beacons are in the Pacific somewhere as I have heard huge 30 to 40dB over signals from ZL amateurs on 160m and east coast northern VK same and the beacon reception has been great at that time. Also I try and compare New Zealand NDB signals with the drift net beacons to try and work out a rough path.
Strange Beacons: You have to remember that these beacons are not continuous transmission and have a roughly four minute key off period before a re-transmission of the call sign three times then key off for about four minutes.
Had 1.817MHz last night with a fault, it used to transmit "4QVZ" back on 25th Feb 2019, in the first week of March it was "TMT" and last night it was "EIE" with a wobbly carrier and uneven sending. This probably suggests it has a battery fault/low battery or transmitter problem, also it had reverted to a 90 second key off.