Radio Ronin SW relay of Halloween Radio, 6850.2am, 10-30-11, SINPO 35433
Mostly a strong S7 signal, but starting to deeply fade as dusk hits Chicago.
2259z - Jimmy Fallon with various Halloween parody songs
2302z - A few words in German, then a dog barking.
2303z - an unknown song to me. Many lyric lines beginning with "Have we,..."
2307z - another song which sounds like a man singing a duet with a chipmunk.
2309z - punk tune "Now you're doing the Halloween (dance?)"
2313z - Halloween Radio ID in German with address.
2316z - Wolf howls.
2320z - "This is Halloween" from a Nightmare Before Christmas.
2323z - Halloween Radio ID with various addresses in English an German
Received the SSTV image, but cannot upload right now.
Cool show. Thanks RRS for the relay.