May was a varied month with propagation all over the place, in the past fortnight I have been struggling to get over 2,000kms.
1539z 242 PP Paraparamu, New Zealand 2,344kms 519
1701z 260 NF Norfolk Island, 1,765kms 579
1144z 233 AYE Ayres Rock NT, 2,072kms 519
1602z 268 FRT Forrest, Western Australia, 2,191kms 419
1455z 272 TNK Tennant Creek, NT 2,274kms 419
1704z 278 WS Westport, New Zealand 2,081kms 519
1555z 293 CUN Cunderin, Western Australia, 3,085kms 419
1320z 326 WR Whangarei, New Zealand, 2,111kms 519
1708z 364 CS Cairns, Queensland 1,914kms 419
1310z 242 KOW Kowanyama, North Queensland, 2,190kms 519
1851z 236 KT Kaitaia, New Zealand 2,128kms 539.
1424z 356 TN Tindal, Northern Territory, 2,785kms 519
1436z 326 ESP Esperance, Western Australia, 2,619kms 519
1437z 311 NTN Normanton, Northern Queensland, 1,993kms 519
1215z 230 AP Taupo, New Zealand 2,393kms 419
1216z 382 WU Wanganui, New Zealand 2,325kms 519
1537z 240 ABA Albany, Western Australia 2,962kms 319-419
1539z 326 CAR Carnarvon, Western Australia, 3,663kms 419
1640z 287 KG Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, 2,722kms 519
1516z 322 CI Chatham Island, New Zealand, 3,142kms 519
0817z 310 HK Hokitika, New Zealand, 2,081kms 539
1501z 383 WLU Wiluna, Western Australia, 2,973kms 419