Lol there's two main trains of thought;
One is ground everything, bond everything, disconnect everything.
The other is the opposite, ground nothing, disconnect nothing.
I ground things as well as I can because I want a quieter rf environment. Someone I know who is a trusted ee grounds nothing, disconnects nothing, and has yet to lose anything and he has thousands of dollas of gear attached to full size hf wires and beams atop tall towers. That being said, he uses some large pointy ended shotgun bore cleaning brush thingys bonded to the towers at or near the top to bleed away any nearfield streamers in the air. No streamers = no lightning strike.
An uncle who was a HAM for decades and an ee who did quality control on nuclear submarine and icbm guidance systems was of the tall tower, full size hf wires, large v/uhf verticals, ground everything mindset. He lost thousands of dollas worth of HAM gear to lightning on several different occasions.
I'm leaning towards the large shotgun bore streamer thingy for tall towers and ground everything to eliminate ground loops and keep rf noise down