On my lunch break - activity on every single one of the 40 legal CB channels at 1645 UTC. Channel 6 (27.025 MHz AM) is a total mess.
Some out of band / freeband 11 meter activity:
27.885 MHz AM - weak AM voice heard
27.865 MHz AM - weak, sounds like truckers or similar
27.775 MHz AM - English
27.715 MHz AM - English, possibly truckers
27.695 MHz LSB - Spanish
27.665 MHz USB - Spanish
27.565 MHz AM - English, talking about "number 5"
27.535 MHz AM - English, weak
27.520 MHz USB - English, sounds like ham operators talking on 11m
27.505 MHz LSB - English, midwestern accents
27.475 MHz AM - carrier noted, no modulation? weak
27.465 MHz LSB - sounds like two QSOs at once
27.460 MHz LSB - English
27.455 MHz LSB - English language
27.430 MHz LSB - English, stations working DX
27.425 MHz LSB - English, stations working DX
26.915 MHz AM - Busy, several stations faded up at once (English language), heard mention of Wiscosin
26.905 MHz AM - English, some fading
26.895 MHz AM - English, similar to 26.905 MHz AM
26.885 MHz AM - Weak
26.835 MHz AM - English, mention of Iowa and several other states
26.735 MHz AM - English, probably truckers
26.715 MHz AM - Spanish
26.705 MHz AM - Spanish
26.685 MHz AM - English
26.625 MHz AM - English
26.525 MHz AM - English, sounds like freebanders, mention of "10-7" and other CB lingo
26.405 MHz AM - English, mention of "standing up there at the wheel"
26.375 MHz AM - English
26.105 MHz AM - English, weak