« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2019, 2238 UTC »
I have them but SSB killing me with distortion...back the volume down here.
22:42 SSTV Image..An alien? An airplane? Rough Copy.
Into music 22:43.
22:48 SSTV image Rule the Air.
22:50 We want the Airwaves The Ramones.
SSTV Image of Pirate Chick?
Couple tunes I just dont know..lol.
23:10 SSTV Image Chick with a semi Truck...
Back to music.
Two more SSTV images.
Skippy Radio.
Off the air 23:18.
Thanks for the show
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 2320 UTC by KMD3HR »
Registered Monitoring Station KMD3HR
Longtime SWLer
Somewhere in the South
Kenwood R-1000, Tecsun PL- 660, Heathkit SB 104, RDL-SDR, Various Trunked Scanners, Various 2, 6, 10 and 40 meter transcievers Long wires, dipoles, hamsticks
Please eQSL to danmeush@gmail.com
Thank you!
Pirate Radio Rocks