Just got home and tuned in at 0105 UTC. This one's making it with fair reception to the Machias, Wash., SDR a few miles away from me. It's also audible direct at my own receiver out here, but not quite as good.
0107 UTC: Muddy Waters song
0109 UTC: Johnny Big Balls, the announcer, with ID and mentioned 500 watts. He also shouted out me as the song "The Sky is Crying" by Elmore James started.
0112 UTC: "Hawaiian Boogie" by Elmore James. Johnny got back on the mic and did more shoutouts and an ID during the song.
0114 UTC: Old-time radio ad for Kraft, then some old speech I couldn't make out, followed by ad for Carters Little Liver pills. Then song "Hey, Big Spender" as part of an ad.
0119 UTC: Johnny with repeated IDs, email addy, intro to Otis Redding song and mentioning he'll sign off in about 15 minutes.
The signal's getting increasingly buried by static out here, so it's getting poor, but the music's staying audible on the local SDR. On my own receiver, it's now down to just barely audible.
0121 UTC: "Shake Your Boogie" by Snooky Pryor
0124 UTC: You're listening to the 500-watt pirate Brickyard Radio." Then thanked his listeners as Snooky's song ended.
0125 UTC: "Hey Bartender" by Floyd Dixon
0128 UTC: Vintage radio ad for Atwater Kent radios, then for toothpaste and then an old ad for Arid deodorant.
0131 UTC: Johnny mentioning he's signing off soon, then gave ID and email address again -- "BrickyardRadio@gmail.com" -- into "Dimples" by John Lee Hooker.
0134 UTC: "You have been listening to Brickyard Radio ...," and then Johnny reviewed the shoutouts, thanked listeners, gave email again, and said "Good night."
0135 UTC: "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" by Bobby "Blue" Bland as Johnny gave another final farewell.
0139 UTC: Off. Thanks for the music, Johnny!