on 5140.0
1802 ID, 1803 ...Roaring 20's... Titanic... weak signal
1805 W singer (old record), 1808 W duo talking, music, 1812 QSY
on 5135.0
1813 typical old music
on 5140.0
1943 extra weak, very hard to hear, but typical music from the 78 rpm era,
1945 fading to a trace, trace of audio but not really heard, 1952
1955 fading in anew, jazz, 1958 fair signal, 2000 ID, singer in E,
2003 barrel-house, 2006 Hollywood : Gloria Swanson audio clip, 2008 music
2010 almost usual signal level, and very efficient pre-processing and modulation, 2012
2250 OK, but strangely not on the same antenna... 2304 still good