It's about time I uploaded these! Since my lovely little DX-398 is back in operation (!!! and thank you to some Wisconsin local electrical engineers with gigantic hearts, seriously), I took the opportunity to get out of the noiseball that is the city and do some scanning when holidays with family came around. Well, there was quite a lot of family holidayness in there too...

but the late evenings were mine. I'd include the AM logs as well, but that mostly amounted to CBC Radio 1 out of Winnipeg. Surprise? Nah, for anyone who's met me.
So, NDBs! I've only recorded the first instance of when I heard a station, whether or not I caught them later on. Some I did, in the cases of OS, AQ, UNU, YMW and YLD, just to name a few, but some weren't heard again. Related, if anyone's got tips for hearing stations that fall within the DGPS region of the LW band, please fill me in? There's about a 50kHz block that's all warbly crackly noise, matched to the sound of undecoded DGPS signals, and I can't hear CW in there for anything. Here's what I got:
December 22:
OS - Oshkosh, WI (local)
ML - La Malbaie-Charlevoix, QC
YY - Mont Joli, QC
YAT - Atawapiskat, ON
DL - Duluth-Pike Lake, MN (new for me!)
YPH - Inukjuaq, QC
YTL - Big Trout Lake, ON
YLD - Chapleau, ON
NM - Matagami, QC
SB - Sudbury, ON
UNU - Juneau, WI (local)
GW - Kuujjuarapik, QC
PN - Port Menier, QC (new for me!)
AQ - Appleton, WI (local)
ZSJ - Sandy Lake, ON
YXL - Sioux Lookout, ON
December 25:
YZE - Gore Bay, ON
YEL - Elliot Lake, ON
YKQ - Waskiganish, QC
YMW - Maniwaki, QC
UL - Montréal, QC
RJ - Roberval, QC (new for me!)
QT - Thunder Bay, ON
IN - International Falls, MN
YER - Fort Severn, ON
December 26:
YPO - Peawanuck, ON
YWP - Webequie, ON