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Author Topic: Baltic Sea Radio 3905.4 USB 2100 UTC 19 Jan 2020  (Read 417 times)

Offline The Ether Hacker

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Baltic Sea Radio 3905.4 USB 2100 UTC 19 Jan 2020
« on: January 19, 2020, 2143 UTC »
SINPO 24232 - it was USB but a weak carrier trace present and it was off frequency by 0.4 khz

2100 Repeat of jingles with seaguls "Baltic Sea Radio" email
2105 Queen - We will rock you
2110 Repeat of jingles into the noise
2120 Procol Harum - A white shade of pale
2124 Jingles ID and email
2125 Off air

QSL requested by email
Antennas: Multi-band doublet for 80 to 10m HF and vertical groundplane
RX: Kenwood R-2000
QTH: Northern England


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