« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2020, 2227 UTC »
S9 into Richmond, Va. great music!
Magic Carpet Ride 22:21
25 or 6 to 4 22:38
« Last Edit: March 20, 2020, 2228 UTC by n4mxzimbabwe »
Kenwood TS-950SDX, Flex SDR-1000, Flex-5000A, SDR Play RSP1a, Airspy Discovery Plus, RTL SDR Dongle w/ NooElec upconverter for work below 400 kHz using homebrew preselectors; 130 kHz to 30 mHz, and a special series box of my own design - from 150 kHz down to about 3 kHz.
135' Inverted L vertical (98 feet vertical), 192' N4MXZ Big Zapper horizontal doublet, 496' end fed wire for 630 meters, 750 ft OCFD @ 40/710', 50' hybrid vertical doublet Small Zapper hung 72 feet in a tree.