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Author Topic: Mix Radio International relay of Best Smooth Jazz 5050 USB 2055 UTC 11 May 2020  (Read 3356 times)

Online Treehouse SWL

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Very nice audio via NATVC SDR in Burke, Virginia, as of 2350 UTC.

I checked the SDR close to me near Seattle and the Northern Utah one, and this signal's not making it anywhere out west right now.

Checked back in at 0240 UTC and found a fair signal on the SDR down the road from me in Machias, Washington, and an audible signal directly on my own radio. Still sounds good!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 0246 UTC by Treehouse SWL »
Eric Fetters-Walp / Please eQSL to fettwalp@outlook.com

Radios: Eton Grundig Edition Satellit, Qodosen DX-286, Eton Elite Field, Sihuadon R-108, XHDATA D-220
Antennas: 60-foot-long end-fed wire

Offline Quantum Radio

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S5 with a hint of noise.  Couldn't name one tune but enjoying the music
Central SC - Tecsun PL-380, PL-880, S-8800; Hallicrafters S-38b; Yaesu FT-101E, FTdx-10; FTdx-1200 Collins KWM-2a; SDRPlay RSP2; Kenwood R-5000, TS-2000
Antenna 135ft End Fed, G5RV, Titan DX Verticle, Mini Whip Active Antenna;

Please EQSL Quantum.Receive@protonmail.com

Online Molvania Poacher

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SINPO=44444, coming in strong!

040- "Girl From Ipanema" jazzy instrumental.
042- OM "Best Smooth Jazz" UK announcer.
042- Instrumental smooth jazz.

047- Upbeat disco sounding smooth jazz.
048- YL synthesized voice "This is Mix Radio International, Worldwide" over music.
051- YL synthesized voice Mix Radio strives to bring you the best music. IDs Smooth Jazz show with Rod Lucas from London, over music.
051- Rapid Spanish style song in instrumental jazz style.
052- OM and YL DJs talk about COVID social distancing but BBQs soon. Mentions "Caribbean Dreams." Mentions listeners to RMI shortwave, and reception reports New Zealand, NY, etc. RMI broadcasting "some times of the day and night." Thanks for emailing listeners.
056- Jazz tune with brass instrumentals.
059- OM DJ mentions "Alexa, play me....Gets a bit groovy there...Frank Albertson...Next is more mellow." Worries the YL DJ is smiling at him.
100- Jazz tune with slower, funky sound.

By 115- Some Ute QRM encroaching a bit (CW, RTTY, etc). Still a very strong signal.

By 203- Signal stronger than ever and Ute QRM cleared up. Funky modern jazz with trumpet solos.
207- OM and YL DJs talk about acoustic alchemy, then into more jazz.
211- OM IDs as Rod Lucas, with more smooth jazz out of the UK.
212- YL synthesized voice "The Hottest Sound on Mix Radio International," then into "Get Down On It" by Kool and the Gang (a largely instrumental dance remix version). At 215- recorded OM "Rod Lucas, there's really nothing like it."
215- OM DJ IDs, gives email and website for Best Smooth Jazz, including Twitch, commenting on that.
216- YL synthesized voice IDs MRI, then into more instrumental jazz.
Signal just not giving up, super strong and clear.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 0217 UTC by Molvania Poacher »
All reception direct-- From my location, radio and antenna.
QTH New Hampshire (70 miles north of Boston).
Tecsun S-8800 and Kenwood R-2000, with about 135 feet of wire thrown up in the trees.
eQSLs most appreciated to molvaniapoacher@gmail.com.

Offline radiorandy

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Solid S9 with very minor fading in N Florida tonight.
Kenwood TS-590 / Multiband vertical antenna over
buried radial field plus numerous boat anchors and
portables with an evolving array of wire antennas.

I also host the "Radio New Music" show on WBCQ's Radio Angela Shortwave

email: randywithford@yahoo.com

... de WB9LUR in N Florida

Offline Bali_Frank

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signal S4 on a SDR in SW England (transatlantic reception)
00.37 song (a an)
00.40 music "Girl of Ipanema"
00.42 talking (a man)
00.43 music
00.49 ID (a woman)

also talking over the music (a man)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 0050 UTC by Bali_Frank »
A German living in Bali / Indonesia
I use WebSDR’s
please QSL to: fschuettig_dx1@yahoo.com

Offline refmo

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S7 and good audio @ 0156, British announcer, then into more jazz.
Northeast Kentucky
Please eQSL to refmo[at]outlook[dot]com
Radios: Afedri AFE822x, Airspy HF+, RX-888, RSPdx, Tecsun PL880
Antennas: 700' Loop Skywire, Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop, 400' Beverage, 34' Vertical, low dipoles on upper bands.

Offline Dxcan

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Hearing this relay at 0101+ via the remote site at VE6JY antenna farm with a nice signal, s-reading at  nice s7 to s8 on the Wellbrook loop, as well, on the DKAZ loop towards  Europe, with the same s-reading.
Really a enjoyment to hear stations making it out here into Alberta !!

To Mix Radio, thank you for the show....

Edward Kusalik
Edward Kusalik


DXer since 1965, 249 Countries verified on Shortwave.

 Songs are identified with Shazam. I use kiwiSDR receivers, where ever possible

PLEASE QSL to this address:

Offline Traveling Wave

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0123 UTC - Signal is S7 in WNY, audio is good, DJ with greetings from the UK.
Location: Western New York ( Niagara Frontier)
Radio :TS480 with RTL-SDR pan-adapter, HDSDR software, Omni-Rig Control, Zenith T/O R600,T600
Antenna: 40m dipole, 20-17-15 meter fan dipole. One of N. Tesla's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.
Knowledge is a deadly friend when no one sets the rules. The fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools - from Epitaph by King Crimson
Transmit the message to the receiver, Hope for an answer someday - from Life During Wartime by Talking Heads
eQSL appreciated KC2ZYL@gmail.com

Offline Andrew Yoder

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Excellent signal with jazz

Checking some SDRs: Can hear it in UK, France, Switzerland, Finland, Slovenia, Poland, Sweden, Greece, Czech Republic, Ireland, Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, Ukraine, Iceland, Norway, & Denmark so far
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 0225 UTC by Andrew Yoder »
Please QSL to: POB 109, BRS, PA 17214
Hobby Broadcasting Blog: http://hobbybroadcasting.blogspot.com/
Drake R8, AOR AR-7030, R-390A, R-388, SX-28A, Philco 44 + some others    Horizontal loops & 1/2-wave inverted V


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