11/21/08 - Power was off in the neighborhood this morning while electrical utility crew replaced arcing line. Good time to check for weak signals.
Between 1300-1400 UTC, heard what sounded like sailing/cruising/yacht net on the 6200 kHz maritime freq range, struggling to be heard over intentional QRMing. They started out on 6224 USB, got chased away by QRMing from loud-talkin' Spanish speaking fellows hooting and whistling. Moved to 6230 USB, but couldn't copy each other over what sounded like Australian or New Zealand maritime weather report. Finally settled on 6227 USB (still with occasionally QRM from Spanish speaking OM hooting, whistling, etc.).
Net control was YL, heard mentions of what sounded like boat names (Destiny, Born to Cruise), taking check-ins from mostly U.S. South and Southeast.
Most signals only weak to fair, but audible due to unusually quiet condx.
(N. Central TX - outdoors with Sony ICF-2010 on whip.)