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Author Topic: Radio Jay's review on a new Sangean table radio.  (Read 2071 times)

Offline ThaDood

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Radio Jay's review on a new Sangean table radio.
« on: June 09, 2020, 1858 UTC »
Yeah, only AM / FM, but might be decent to chase AM night DX,    https://radiojayallen.com/sangean-wr16-wr16se-am-fm-table-radio/
“I am often asked how radio works. Well, you see, wire telegraphy
is like a very long cat. You yank his tail in New York and he
meows in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? Now, radio is
exactly the same, except that there is no cat.”
-Attributed to Albert Einstein, but I ripped it from the latest Splatter .PDF March 2025 issue.

Offline N0TLD

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Re: Radio Jay's review on a new Sangean table radio.
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2020, 0404 UTC »
Just read the review, yessir. It does indeed look like another solid entry from Sangean, and at the price, very interesting. I like Sangean's radio products a lot... though I have never been a big fan of the 909 or 909X models (they are solid, good receivers but overall performance for me is simply not as 'great' as it seems a lot of other users want me to believe) but that has nothing to do with my high opinion of most of their other radios, especially the truly great portable and tabletop FM/AM (and often Bluetooth-added) models they've been putting out over the last decade or so. I admire Sangean -- they seem to be one of the few consistently serious radio manufacturers left in the world.

And I admire good ol' Radio Jay Allen. I've been enjoying Jay's site for maaany years, never miss a review... and I follow every update to the 'mega shoot outs' of AM and FM radios with keen interest. My opinions tend to synch (sideband selectable? :) ) pretty closely with his about most of his lineup. I may have to spring for this Sangean model to see if I will still agree! :)

Kenwood TS940s/at; Kenwood TS450s/at; modified Icom R75; modified Sony ICF2010; Panasonic RF2200, RF2600, RF2800, RF2900; Zenith Trans-Oceanic R-7000-2; numerous other vintage multi band receivers; Silvertone 4565, Grundig 2440U, Hallicrafters S38 and numerous other vintage tube radios; numerous homebrew crystal sets; numerous homebrew long/randomwires and loops including a 290' Loop On Ground with a homebrew 9:1 transformer; Par EF/SWL sloper; Wellbrook ALA330 and ALA1530LNP loops; 5/8 ground plane vertical.

Offline ThaDood

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Re: Radio Jay's review, site and Radio Survivor interview?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2020, 1904 UTC »
The Radio Jay site is indeed a fun site to get lost in,   https://radiojayallen.com/    And, how I remember hearing about him was when I aired the interview of him on a very early Radio Survivor,   http://www.radiosurvivor.com/2017/03/14/podcast-84-improving-radio-reception/     It is more on improving AM / FM reception, but Radio Jay does talk about his site here, and I'm glad that he did. Yeah... No tech specs on his radios, and he says that up-front, but wants his site so that the average person can go through it.
“I am often asked how radio works. Well, you see, wire telegraphy
is like a very long cat. You yank his tail in New York and he
meows in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? Now, radio is
exactly the same, except that there is no cat.”
-Attributed to Albert Einstein, but I ripped it from the latest Splatter .PDF March 2025 issue.

Offline N0TLD

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Re: Radio Jay's review, site and Radio Survivor interview?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2020, 0608 UTC »
The Radio Jay site is indeed a fun site to get lost in,   https://radiojayallen.com/    And, how I remember hearing about him was when I aired the interview of him on a very early Radio Survivor,   http://www.radiosurvivor.com/2017/03/14/podcast-84-improving-radio-reception/     It is more on improving AM / FM reception, but Radio Jay does talk about his site here, and I'm glad that he did. Yeah... No tech specs on his radios, and he says that up-front, but wants his site so that the average person can go through it.

Right --  he does keep it all very accessible and comprehensible to the reader/radio hobbyist of average intellect. There are points where he delves a little deeper (especially in his repair/restoration articles) but he always mentions it beforehand, sort of 'warns' the reader he is about to get more technical than usual. It all makes for a great site.

And I thank you for the link to the interview/your podcast, will check it out right after I post this reply. :) 

Kenwood TS940s/at; Kenwood TS450s/at; modified Icom R75; modified Sony ICF2010; Panasonic RF2200, RF2600, RF2800, RF2900; Zenith Trans-Oceanic R-7000-2; numerous other vintage multi band receivers; Silvertone 4565, Grundig 2440U, Hallicrafters S38 and numerous other vintage tube radios; numerous homebrew crystal sets; numerous homebrew long/randomwires and loops including a 290' Loop On Ground with a homebrew 9:1 transformer; Par EF/SWL sloper; Wellbrook ALA330 and ALA1530LNP loops; 5/8 ground plane vertical.

Offline chanito

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Re: Radio Jay's review on a new Sangean table radio.
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2020, 2003 UTC »
Curious Sangean can come up with this, but not a MW/HF/VHF tabletop at the same price point, which IMHO is high for that radio. Thing is, it would hit the SWL market as well as clock radio users. People who don't SWL would simply ignore that band.

I would buy one then. Not sure why they restrict SWL's to awkward portables. Same guts, different case.
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