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Author Topic: 6304u "Oblique" 0452 UTC 4/9/2012  (Read 2620 times)

Offline Kilokat7

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6304u "Oblique" 0452 UTC 4/9/2012
« on: April 10, 2012, 0006 UTC »
Noticed this one on the SDR recording from last night while listening to Euro Crazy Wave Radio on 6300.  Accented English female robo voice "Four One Zero Oblique Three Eight" repeated, then into 5 digit code groups, each group repeated twice.  Off at 0500 UTC.  I little time on Google would suggest this is "E11".

I used to chase these stations years ago before they had designations like "E10" or "E11", fun to hear one of these again!
PLS QSL kilokat7(at)gmail.com
Location: Western Michigan
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