Just received my ALA1530S+ last weekend. Ordered from Wellbrook on Sunday and received it the following Sat (could've had it on Fri, if I was home when the mailman brought it).
On the upper HF bands (15 MHz & 17 MHz, didn't try higher), its about the same as my 12 year old G5RV.
On 11-15 MHz, the loop is a little better.
On 9 MHz, its much better (hardly a surprise as a wet noodle does better on 9-10 MHz than a G5RV).
The lower you go, the better it gets. Can get WWV on 2500 during the day now.
On MW & LW. All I can say is that it surpassed my wildest dreams. The loop is now on the porch for the winter with a rotator. In the spring it will be sent out to the shed about 100' from the house and hopefully will get rid of a lot of stupid QRM.
Was tuning around the low end of where the LW NDBs hang out. Found a couple around 218 kHz (don't remember the freq, but it was around there somewhere) that were very strong. At first thought they were new local beacons, but they turned out to be deep in Canada straight north of here, hundreds of miles away.
Also picked up a couple of NAVTEX stations on 518 kHz over in Greenland... over 2000 miles away.
The rotator is really nice, and while not technically required, it makes things much better and would recommend that.
The only thing I regret is not getting it a year ago when I first started ogling them.