KOREA SOUTH. Dec 21 (Monday) observed frequencies for this week.
VOP: 3480 // 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600, at 1015 UT; no changes for the sixth consecutive week!
VOH: 3990 (ham QRM) // 4885 // 6000 (QRM) // 6250 // 6355 // 9100, at 1008 UT; all frequencies changed this week.
Voice of Freedom, 5920, at 1018 UT, with fair reception (no jamming). The super jamming from N. Korea still heard on 6045,
with no station there to jam, while 6135 was a clear frequency with no jamming.
Asilomar State Beach, Calif.
CR-1, antenna: 100' long wire