Heys! I see in another thread here that a few folks here have been hearing weird
repetitive sounds on 6925 USB lately, and a few have posted up some
recordings of what they have been hearing. I tuned into 6925 USB
this evening to hear a similar kind of repetitive noise. At about 0605 UTC
I recorded an audio sample of about 60 seconds duration of what I was hearing.
The signal was peaking at about S6 but averaging about S3 to S4, which was
right at my noise level, but you can still hear the sound pretty clearly in this
recording over the noise. I wonder if the signal/noise I was hearing could be some sort of digital
data transmission protocol? I am not up on all the different digital data transmission
protocols, so I am not sure, but it sounds a bit like some digital protocols sound.
Here's the sound sample of what I was hearing this evening. It stopped
a few minutes after I made this recording.
Weird Noise - 6925 USB - 2012-07-12 - 0605 UTC