2308 UTC Caught the end of "Call Me Maybe"-Carly Jepsen, followed by an OM with Donald Duck voice....something about a long wire?
2309 UTC "Down With The Sickness"-Disturbed
Signal is solid above the static crashes
2316 UTC OM with Donald Duck voice again...will have to listen back on the recording for the ID
2317 UTC "bad guy"-Billie Eilish & Justin Bieber?
2320 UTC OM again with an ID, into "Rolling In the Deep"-Adele
2324 UTC OM with "This is Captain Rick from Texas Radio?", into an odd version of "Gangnam Style"
Interesting mashups here!
2331 UTC OM with ID as "Buttplug Radio"
2338 UTC OM with ID as "Buttplug Radio"...., into "I'm not a fudge packer" skit
2341 UTC "E.T."-Katie Perry mashup
2349 UTC OM with ID and chat
0004 UTC OM with ID, into a Britney Spears/Bodies mashup
Shazam has gone into lockdown......
It is indeed good to hear you again Buttplug Radio!
Wasn't expecting an SSTV, so a little late on the decode!
Off after SSTV