Undercover Radio, 6925u, 9-24-12, SINPO 45344
A very nice S9 signal and clean audio here in Chicago.
0030z - ID with Dr. Benway.
0035z - Thanks for the shout Dr. B.. Great to hear you.
0055z - end of "Children of the Sun": ID: Then back into stories
0108z - Freedoms
0115z - Rap tune - for some reason, it reminds me of the movie "Strange Days" and Jericho One. Ahh - Rage Against The Machine. Thanks.
0129z - Still S9. ID, bit of a chokker, then into a Caribbean story.
0152z - Pink Floyd
0219z - bit weaker now. About S7 with some fades starting up.
0231z - sounds like Dr. B. was a rolling chicane out there on the highway
quickly off.
Thanks for the show tonight.