Putting a location like "California" or "Arizona" on such a chart is not going to help the FCC. You can get that information from just reading this forum, the forum reports are just as "dangerous" to the beacons as the published list. Putting "Inyo County, CA" or "Joshua Tree N.P." might seem like a risky thing to do, but look at the region, it will take a serious effort to cover such an area. The other issue is that once the FCC decides to enforce on one of these beacons there is little that can be done to disguise it or misdirect, even if only the frequency is known or on a list. If it can be received it can be DFed, if it has ever been reported here then it has been proven capable of being received. If the FCC ever decided to go after "A", for example, they could narrow it down to a general area (within a few miles) in just a few hours coordinated effort. Getting closer than that might involve more footwork, but once you get within a few miles the 24 hour beacons are toast.
The occasional beacons that switch freqs, like the "TR" beacon, are probably very safe. Night time only beacons in remote locations are probably pretty safe. Low power 24 hour beacons in very remote locations are probably pretty safe. The less remote the location, the higher the power, and the more hours a day a beacon transmits the more likely a beacon is to be busted.
But, the FCC still have to want to go after it and it has to be high enough on the priority list to dedicate the manpower/resources to the effort. Despite some of these beacons having been on the air for years, been well documented, and despite "official" (at various levels) (edit: by "official" I mean I have spoken with an FCC field engineer who was aware of the existance of some specific pirate beacons, this was brought up by him as part of another, unrelated to pirates or beacons, conversation, I think most of the conversation was about microbrews) knowledge of several of them, the remote nature of some of them ensures that they will almost certainly never be pursued. They are simply too small a fish in a mighty big pond.
When you put up a 24 hour beacon you have to assume it will eventually be busted. Don't put it on your property if it is not legal.