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Author Topic: Radio 319 6380 AM 0732 UTC 15 Sep 2021  (Read 443 times)

Offline Ray Lalleu

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Radio 319 6380 AM 0732 UTC 15 Sep 2021
« on: September 15, 2021, 0736 UTC »
on 6380.0-
0732 just fading in, music, 0737 relaying some Radio Caroline
0821 music, Mi Amigo jingle, DJ in D, "Bailar la salsa" long version,
0830 ' 3 1 9 ' stamp, DJ in D, "All by myself", 0834
0951 music
(1258 gone)

to TRI :
Radio 319 is most of the time relaying more or less old programmes from R. Caroline, R. Mi Amigo, and also from Beacon radio or United DJs that are themselves talking about the same stations or about R. Luxembourg, etc....
Then, Radio 319 adds own stamp ID above those programmes, specially at top of the hour, and at half of the hour.
Own programmes of Radio 319 are scarce.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 1314 UTC by Ray Lalleu »
D/E/F/G/It/Sp : Dutch/English/French/German/Italian/Spanish
+/- : about 0.02 offset, ++/-- 0.03/0.04 offset
Balanced wire antennas, wire lines and ATU
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Offline TRI International

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Re: Radio 319 6380 AM 0732 UTC 15 Sep 2021
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2021, 1107 UTC »
1103  OM speaking french can't understand
1105 UTC song "Dit Is M'n Leven" by Ben Cramer.
1108 UTC song "I Need You" by Foreigner.
1113 UTC OM back id songs in English and French. then station ID in French but couldn't get it.
1114 UTC song "I'm Coming Home" by Tom Jones
1116 UTC song "shazam can't id.
1118 UTC station ID 319. Group chat said relay of Radio Mi Amego.
1119 UTC Now Station ID Radio Caroline then the song "Money For Nothing"
1122 UTC Think 319 is Relaying these stations but not sure
1123 UTC song "Hole In My Shoe"
1126 UTC song "And She Was"
1129 UTC song "I Saw The Light"
1132 UTC OM Id station as Radio Caroline then the song "Here Comes The Sun" station off the air in the middle of the song.

Ray thanks for the information didn't know that was confused for a minute lol.

SINPO via NW Ireland SDR 5/4/4/4/4, using shazam to id songs.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 2048 UTC by TRI International »
We need another card to shut out the draught HW ABT URS?
Use Shazam app. to ID songs, listening direct Airspray RTL SDR , Ham It UP Plus connected to 2 V shape long wires  40ft. high with a MFJ 941C Antenna tuner
QSL to trlinternational@protonmail.com


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