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Author Topic: 11 Meter Activity Latin American Taxi Dispatchers 1400 UTC + 22 September 2021  (Read 949 times)

Offline R4002

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Checking some KiwiSDRs

W3HFU KiwiSDR - Westminster, MD - band fairly quiet, but some Latin American activity coming in, including taxi cabs on 25 MHz and 26 MHz and somebody playing sound effects and music clips on 28005.0 AM (with Spanish language over it, lots of echo too!) - CBers on 10 meters

25695 AM - 25.695 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatcher, YL dispatch lady talking to OM driver, roger beeps heard (poor copy)
26035 AM - 26.035 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatcher, YL reading numbers with roger beep, good copy
26365 AM - 26.365 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter, poor copy - possible taxi cab dispatch
26375 AM - 26.375 MHz AM - UNID Spanish language chatter, presumably Latin American taxis or truckers
26395 AM - 26.395 MHz AM - Spanish language QSO
26405 AM - 26.405 MHz AM - Spanish language, weak
26415 AM - 26.415 MHz AM - Spanish language, two OMs chatting, poor copy
26475 AM - 26.475 MHz AM - Spanish language - two OMs having a QSO, Mexican accents
26485 AM - 26.485 MHz AM - Very weak AM signal noted, unable to copy language
26565 AM - 26.565 MHz AM - Spanish language OMs, Mexican accents
26575 AM - 26.575 MHz AM - Spanish language, not as busy at 26.585 AM but similar signal strengths
26585 AM - 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language - Mexican trucker freeband frequency, very busy at points
26715 AM - 26.715 MHz AM - Puerto Rico and other locations BOOMING in at 1520 UTC, 1522 UTC
26765 AM - 26.765 MHz AM - English language, US stations, southern accents
26935 AM - 26.935 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch, YL dispatcher and OM driver heard, with roger beeps at 1408 UTC

numerous in-band channels active, not listing them on this log due to the amount of out of band activity

27455 USB - 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language SSB calling channel (similar to 26555 LSB) - active with several signals at once
27545 AM - 27.545 MHz AM - Spanish language, lots of noise toys and sound effects heard, including the Mario Bros. theme song
27655 LSB - 27.655 MHz LSB - Spanish language with end of transmission roger beep
27755 AM - 27.755 MHz AM - Spanish-speaking OMs, one station off-frequency on 27756.2
27765 AM - 27.765 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatcher, YL reading numbers with roger beep - Spanish language
27785 AM - 27.785 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter, OM operators - possibly truckers or similar considering their use of AM
27875 AM - 27.875 MHz AM - "616" "615" heard (OM dispatcher with roger beep)
28005 AM - 28.005 MHz AM - Spanish language, music and sound FX heard at 1417 UTC

Around 1425 UTC or so, the band seemed to close a bit, this might have been a short-lived Sporadic-E opening

Checked back in at 1450 UTC
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 1721 UTC by R4002 »
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m

Offline R4002

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Back on at 1700 UTC:

25875 AM - 25.875 MHz AM - Weak AM signal noted, probably taxi cab dispatch based on frequency and mode
26065 AM - 26.065 MHz AM - Spanish language, very weak
26585 AM - 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language - Mexican trucker 26MHz channel
27025 AM - 27.025 MHz AM - CB Channel 6 - Busy, as to be expected
27065 AM - 27.065 Mhz AM - CB Channel 9 - Spanish language, this is the in-band calling channel, sort of like 6/11
27075 AM - 27.075 MHz AM - CB Channel 10 - Spanish language with whistling into mic
27085 AM - 27.085 MHz AM - CB Channel 11 - AM calling channel, busy
27105 AM - 27.105 MHz AM - CB Channel 12 - US stations
27185 AM - 27.185 MHz AM - CB Channel 19 - busy, noisy heterodyne (not surprising)
27200 USB - 27.200 MHz USB - Spanish language chatter, in-between channels 19A and 20
27205 AM - 27.205 MHz AM - CB Channel 20 - US stations
27225 AM - 27.225 MHz AM - CB Channel 22 - US stations
27245 AM - 27.245 MHz AM - CB Channel 25 - US stations
27255 AM - 27.255 MHz AM - CB Channel 23 - US stations, fair to weak copy
27265 AM - 27.265 MHz AM - CB Channel 26 - active with US stations working AM DX
27285 AM - 27.285 MHz AM - CB Channel 28 - active with US stations working AM DX
27305 AM - 27.305 MHz AM - CB Channel 30 - US stations
27355 AM - 27.355 MHz AM - CB Channel 35 - US stations
27385 LSB - 27.385 MHz LSB - CB Channel 38 - active with US based stations working DX
27405 AM - 27.405 MHz AM - CB Channel 40 - active
27445 USB - 27.445 MHz USB - Spanish language chatter
27455 USB - 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language, Latin American 11m SSB calling frequency
27475 AM - 27.475 MHz AM - Spanish language, with roger beeps
27555 USB - 27.555 MHz USB - Weak SSB traffic noted at 1716 UTC
27655 USB - 27.655 MHz USB - Spanish language, OMs chatting

The use of SSB on 27200 is interesting.  I've seen sideband activity in the lower in-band channels before (defined as channels 1-23 so 26965 to 27255).  Usually its on channel 16.  This is doubly interesting because its on an offset frequency from 27.195 MHz and 27.205 MHz, or 5 kHz up from RC channel 27.195 MHz.  Would make more sense to use LSB vs. USB but the users didn't seem to have any issues with QRM even though there was quite a bit of chatter on 27205 AM. 
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 2018 UTC by R4002 »
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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