Here are my loggings of FJB, all from the Alabama Hills near Lone Pine, CA with a handheld Belka-DX receiver and the set-top whip.
10/25/2021 0045z 13563.47 KHz Deep QSB which took the signal from a very clear 2 or 3 S units in strength, to completely unreadable. It was magical to hear the signal rise so clearly out of the noise on a little handheld receiver and whip antenna. Pretty good for 588 miles as the crow flies, and a handful of milliwatts!
10/25/2021 2005z 13563.53 KHz An estimated S1, but low band noise, and very clear.
It's hard for me to zero beat on this receiver, so the above frequencies are my best estimates. I would like a small, portable receiver that can easily zero beat signals, as well as one which has a narrow bandpass filter, but I don't feel like shelling out for a KX2.