Electronic mx
0206 the signal slid from 6955 usb down to 6950 usb. Actually watched it happen on waterfall!
0207 - electronic mx continues
0210 - SSTV Nice!
Will review recording for an ID.
0223 - Ominous electronic music continues.
0224 - OM speaks into another SSTV send.
0206 - ***wtf?...?...? Nice!***
Well, that was a first lol Very freaky after several lambics.
0231 - SSTV ID Outhouse! Sweet!
0236 - "New Years Madness Show" Solid 333 now.
0242 - SSTV (shpooky) mx continues
0243 - "One never knows what Leroy is gonna do."
0246 - tlk of changing freqs?
0255 - Cool jazzy blues S5/6
0310- S6/7 Just as I have to leave the radio (dammit).
Thanks for the great show, Outhouse Radio. Very weird and awesome.
Happy New Year!