As for the location, the speculations currently favour Dakar but I am not so certain about this. I have now run over 30 TDoA each having different results. I cannot get a consistent fix on the signal. Earlier today I did get a few hits around Dakar but right now I am getting fixes around Brest ... in the middle of the water.
My TDOA results have also been inconclusive, at best. I would say that Dakar is a possibility, but far from certain. In fact, I have never gotten a plot that said, on the money, Dakar, but I respect the work of mco and linkz (they both are extremely experienced), and I believe they both have gotten Dakar plots.
Failing transmitter, no, probably not. I have an 18+ minute continuous recording of this from 00:40 UTC 2022-03-05. An "angry" modem, perhaps. For now we are calling it the "Buzz Saw".
It may not be a failing transmitter, but it is almost certainly something that is functioning in an undesired way. The transmission is not data in any normal format, and I have strong doubts that it is data at all.
The evolution of the signal has been interesting. 4+ months ago it was a short transmission of a few pulses happening at just under 3 minute intervals, starting at a rate that allowed you to clearly see the individual pulses. Over time it has slowly sped up and lengthened, so that it now starts at a rate near where it used to end, and sometimes goes on for minutes at a time. I grabbed a continuous 10 minute recording of it the other night, and I stopped the recording before the signal ended.