Just when I start to think that's the end of it, I've heard all there is to hear, new NDB's climb up out of the mists and surprise me!

Here are the few I've managed over the past few days. New job (!) has rather flattened me, but the weekend belongs to the radio.
01/04, 0425Z, 413 - YHD - Dryden, Ontario
01/05, 0644Z, 356 - GR 'Famis' - Green Bay, Wisconsin
01/06, 0953Z, 516 - YWA - Petawawa, Ontario
01/12, 0912Z, 269 - BEX - Bloomfield, Iowa
01/12, 1110Z, 365 - TV - Traverse City, Michigan
01/13, 0440Z, 338 - ZEM - Eastmain, Quebec
The earlier three were all caught during a DXpedition of sorts an hour or so north of my usual QTH. I had a sister's baby shower to attend, and took the radio with me for the weekend. The latter three were just caught this weekend.
More to follow, hopefully.
Aha, I was right! Here are a couple more. No luck on Euro or African broadcasters though, darn it all.
1/13, 326, 0815Z - VV - Wiarton, Ontario
01/13, 392, 0822Z - ML - Charlevoix, Quebec