250kW @ 6 deg (to U.S. east coast)
0000Z 35423 S9 News in English. Signal quite fluttery.
0013Z 35423 S9 Ad for Bangkok Airways
0016Z 35423 S9 ID "You are listening to Radio Thailand news."
0016Z 35423 S9 Ramada Plaza Menam Riverside hotel ad.
0018Z 35423 S9 Global news brought to us by Air Asia.
0029Z 35423 S9 End of global news
0029Z Off for a couple of seconds
250kW @ 30 deg (to U.S. west coast)
0029Z 35433 S9+ Back on. (Switching antennas)
0030Z 35433 S9+ Morning news hour
0031Z 35433 S9+ Some English then into Thai. Some guy talking for a while.
0035Z 35433 S9+ "This is Radio Thailand news. Business news."
0043Z 35433 S9+ End of the business news
0043Z 35433 S9+ Bangkok Airways ad.
0045Z 35423 S9+ "Radio Thailand news."
0049Z 35423 S9 Sports news
0053Z 35423 S9 End of sports news.
0056Z 35423 S9 Tourism
0056Z 35423 S9 "Keep in tune with Thailand news on FM 88"
0057Z 35423 S9 End of the morning news hour.
0059Z Off air for a couple of seconds
0100Z 35422 S9 Back on. Switched antennas. Now reportedly at 38 deg.
0100Z 35422 S9 "The time is now 8 am"
0100Z 35422 S9 IS & National anthem
0100Z 35422 S9 YL speaking in Thai.
0109Z 35422 S9 Music
0135Z Been slowly fading for the past 20 minutes and now gone.
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop