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Author Topic: The Mighty KBC, 9450kHz, 0000-0200Z 2/10  (Read 2018 times)

Offline Chanter

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The Mighty KBC, 9450kHz, 0000-0200Z 2/10
« on: February 10, 2013, 0619 UTC »
Caught the show tonight from a town an hour north of my usual QTH - visiting family! 

Signal stronger than it has been lately, yay!  On at 0001 and immediately into early rock music, then programming as usual... except for one rather bad joke Eric made about a couple people trying to get a day off work.  Heh!  SIO 444, down to 333 as the band started going longer.  Digital (FSK and something else) transmissions at 0130, with Kim Andrew Elliot guesting briefly.  I missed the end of it as RL intruded.  I was still really glad to hear this one with good modulation again!  I've missed hearing these shows clearly. 
Madison, WI, U.S.A. 
Tecsun PL-660, Yaesu FT60R handheld, and Realistic DX-398 (back up and running!) 
QSL's appreciated 

There's a geeklady turning that dial!
SWLer, MWLer, LW and HF beaconeer, technician class ham, DXer of all bands and program listener. 
RNW forever.


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