From HFUnderground
CVPI - The Clandestine Voice of the Peoples of Iraq
A very rare catch, CVPI was an anti-Saddam liberation station. This station, according to the callsign, may have been active from the Great White North through the efforts of Iraqi expatriots. No air talent ever gave a personal identification.
The station made frequent references to the dictator's sexual proclivity for sheep and goats. In fact, it often referred to the dictator as "Sodomy Hussein". Musical selections were of Arabic origin. The operator was heard several times in QSO with other radio operators following broadcasts.
According to George Zeller, in the 1992 edition of 'The Pirate Radio Directory', "The content of these shows is profane, but humorous."
The QSL below, signed by Ali Jihan, was for a transmission on 9/22/90.
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