Amphetamine Radio

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Amphetamine Radio is a pirate radio station that first appeared in the summer of 2015. It is normally heard on 6925 USB but has been heard on "offset" frequencies 6923 and 6924.7 in addition to 6930, 6950 and 6955 kHz. Amphetamine Radio has also experimented with lower frequencies, including 3375 kHz and several others in the 4 MHz band.

The primary 90 meter frequency for Amphetamine Radio is 3375 kHz, with most transmissions occurring on the 6925 kHz - 6955 kHz portion of 43 meters. USB mode is normally used, however Amphetamine Radio has transmitted broadcasts in AM mode, referring to it as "Amphetamine Modulation".

Amphetamine Radio often transmits several SSTV images throughout their broadcasts and appears to be one of the most prolific transmitters of SSTV, along with other frequent users of SSTV including Wolverine Radio.

Some of their broadcasts consist entirely of SSTV images. SSTV is usually transmitted in Scottie 1 mode. In addition to voice IDs, MCW (modulated CW - Morse code transmitted over voice radio via tone modulation) IDs are usually transmitted, often either before or after SSTV frames are sent.

Amphetamine Radio usually signs off with with the US National Anthem - The Star Spangled Banner followed by a 1000Hz tone burst.

Amphetamine Radio has not been heard for quite some time (as of February 2025). The op has indicated that he is currently unable to put up a proper antenna and will attempt to resume broadcasts once that situation changes.

Amphetamine Radio SSTV 6950 kHz - 3 February 2018
Amphetamine Radio SSTV 6950 kHz - 3 February 2018
Amphetamine Radio SSTV 6925 kHz - 27 November 2016
Amphetamine Radio SSTV 6930 kHz - 12 March 2017

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