Radio Clandestine

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Chris Smolinski's Radio Clandestine QSL

Radio Clandestine was a popular pirate radio station active from the early 1970s until the 1990s. The station was hosted by R. F. Burns and featured music and fake announcements for products like "Industrial Strength Baby Cleaner" and "Marijuana Helper." Other characters appearing on Radio Clandestine included Chief Engineer Boris Fignutsky, Secretary Wanda Lust, and Drool the Cabin Boy. The station was noted for high powered operation and professional production quality.

Radio Clandestine is profiled in jta's show "Talkin' 'bout Pirates" (c. 1985) and show excerpts were featured.

Stations relaying recordings of old Radio Clandestine shows have been logged as recently as 2006 and 2007 at the SWL Winterfest.


See also

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