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Bozo (born Jay Smilkstein) is a well known personality who frequently calls the Allan Weiner show on WBCQ. Bozo engages Weiner in strange conversation, superficially on the topic of radios, but often amounting to nothing more than guttural groans and grunts. Despite this, Weiner continues to enthusiastically welcome Bozo's persistent calls. These calls are often recorded by pirate operators, and become material for their own shows.

Bozo's nickname comes from his appearance; his bushy, curly red hair and bald spot lends him an uncanny resemblance to the TV clown. He is usually disheveled and unkempt.

Bozo is known to make appearances at the yearly Winterfest, where he engages unsuspecting attendees in conversation. Encounters with Bozo at the Winterfest are usually shocking to uninitiated hotel guests. These appearances are increasingly used by pirate radio operators as source material (audio recordings, photos, videos[1]) to further the legend of Bozo.

In September 2006, it was announced that Bozo was to co-host a radio show on WBCQ called "Fix Your Radio." However, just prior to the show's initial (and as it would turn out, only) broadcast, co-host Fred Jodry announced that Bozo had "dropped out" of the show after directing some comments of a personal nature Fred's way. During the radio broadcast, Bozo repeatedly attempted to break into the telephone line Fred was using to feed the show to WBCQ, but to no avail. Sound bytes from this episode ended up in the pirate community rather quickly and became the inspiration for Voice of Bozo and other pirate radio shows including CBZO, KBZO, WBZO, and Bozo Radio.

Bozo is a resident of Mount Kisco, NY.

See also

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